
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hello and welcome to my awesome blog!

First things first.... put your email in at the top to follow via email (so convenient) or become a member over to the right for easy blog access (so flattering).

This blog will be primarily focused on my study abroad adventure this spring in Australia, but it might also include general life thoughts and feelings because I think I am going to like having a place to vent about stuffs, plus I love to talk.


My name is Christina and I am a junior in Industrial Engineering at The University of Wisconsin-Madison. Some might say I am a "nerd" but apparently people like nerds because I've been told many times that it's hot. Something you should know right away, I am a ginger. Here's a pic:

This is me receiving a piece of candy from a street dancer in San Fran

 If you are confused by the term "ginger" please see the urban dictionary definition below:

ginger4436 up3632 down
A ginger is, among other things, a person with red hair, freckles and pale skin. Some darker skinned or non-ginger haired persons feel compelled to degenerate gingers out of jealousy because a ginger's look is unique.
Men typically love ginger women.

See that, men love gingers. As a side note, check out the definition of my name "Christina"

3844 up850 down
The coolest, cutest, nicest girl ever. With the best personality, also very quick witted and very smart. Everyone should get to meet her at least once.

The 850 people that "down"ed this were probably named "Christine", just sayin.

Study Abroad Info

I decided to study abroad last fall, as in 2010. I know, it was a long time in the process. I was officially accepted this Fall 2011 and now I leave February 5th 2012. I am going to continue studying engineering at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. Geography below...

Map of Brisbane and Australia

Things that matter

I am pretty excited to go but also sad to be leaving behind some pretty cool stuff. For example:

My best friend: Krystal. 

So Drunk

My boyfriend: Ben. 
So Happy

My family: John, Rita, and Andrew  
So hard to find a decent picture of the fam (this is from 2007)

I will also miss...

My school

My SWEsters (SWE, Society of Women Engineers)

my darling gecko

.....and Wisconsin!

Wait.... not that though 

Things I am so pumped for


Beautiful Scenery

Uhm, more scenery

80+, yes please

OH, and school of course! (and meeting new peeps)

Students at St. Lucia, UQ

Study Abroad Goals

Below is a list of goals for my study abroad experience:

  • Get rid of my gingery skin
  • Jump out of a plane
  • Eat Kangaroo (even though they are cute)
  • Pass my classes
  • Join a beach volleyball team (even though I don't really like volleyball, it seems like the cool thing to do)
  • Hold a variety of Australian animals that I could never hold anywhere else
  • Snorkel (maybe scuba dive) in the Great Barrier Reef
  • Find Nemo (that is a joke) (but kinda not really)
  • Take a "jumping" picture in front of the Sydney Opera House (Those are still cool right??)
MORE TO COME, comment with any suggestions

*NOTE: These goals are in no order of importance, although working on my tan might still be number one if I had to rank them


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