
Monday, May 28, 2012

Early May, I went to the Gold Coast to see some friends that I met in New Zealand. They are studying in Sydney and travelled to the Gold Coast for the weekend and since it's only about an hour train from me I decided to head down and have a reunion. We enjoyed some time on the beach and then (somewhat impulsively) decided to go zorbing. If you are unsure what that means, I've included a definition below...

    noun /ˈzôrbiNG/ 
    1. A sport in which a participant is secured inside an inner capsule in a large, transparent ball that is then rolled along the ground or down hills

It's funny to me that they call it a sport, because well... you are basically rolling around in a hamster ball. Anyway, it was really fun! I can't explain it that well but basically you go in the ball with another person (usually 2-3 people total) and then they fill it up with a little water and release the ball which rolls down this large grassy hill. It sounds a bit mundane but it's actually very exciting. You think you will hurt the other person, or get a knee in the face but really you just slide around and giggle and almost lose your swimsuit. Basically the definition of a good time.

Me and Rachel with our Zorb Ball


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