Recap of my first week of school down under

Friday, March 2, 2012

Monday: First day of school! I had physics and ecology lecture today. Normally, I will also have accounting tutorial (which is basically discussion) monday afternoons but this week I didn't. Physics seems like it will actually be quite interesting. The professor is young and energetic and the lectures are surprisingly interactive. Ecology will be boring. But that comes as no surprise. It is kinda entertaining though, these dudes seriously love bugs (they're their favorite part of ecology).

Tuesday: Normally, tuesdays will be very busy for me. But this first Tuesday was a bit more relaxed since there are no tutorials at all this week for any classes. I had physics and ecology lecture again, same stuff mentioned above. In the afternoon, I had my first physics practical (lab) and it was great. We basically just watched someone else do an experiment, talked about it in small groups, talked about it in a big group, and then answered some questions in groups that weren't even collected or graded. I loved it. My group is pretty smart too, besides the fact that they are all 18 year old boys (how I ended up with them I don't know). It's funny because I saved all these bullshit general elective classes for my study abroad because they were the easiest to transfer back, but I completely forgot that people normally take these classes right away. So basically every class I am in is full of freshman, who are young.

Wednesday: Wednesdays will be my easy day. I have materials/structures lecture from 8-9am every week and then every other week I will have ecology tutorial from 9-10am. And then I am done! I have a feeling many Wednesdays will be spent on the beach, which, as it turns out, is a great way to cure a little mid week slump.

Thursday: Thursdays, like tuesdays, will be busy for me. I will have ecology lecture every other week in the morning (weird, it's every other week, I know). After that I have my human factors class which I just signed up for. I am really excited about this class because it actually relates to my degree and it is very interesting! The only thing is that here, human factors falls under psychology because industrial engineering is not offered. So, everyone in the class is a psychology major... literally, we did a show of hands, I am the only engineer. Nonetheless, it seems really interesting and we get to go on field trips! After that I have materials/structures lecture again, followed by accounting lecture. Accounting is scheduled for two hours, but as I was sitting there this past Thursday, I realized that accounting is FAR too interesting to last for two hours..... so I left. I was just so bored! Mom and Dad, don't get mad... my fellow engineers out there, you feel me, we are just not wired for accounting. I downloaded the lecture slides and skimmed them, don't worry. Plus, it's from 4-6 pm... I mean, come on!

Friday: Yes, I have class on Fridays. This is somewhat foreign to me, because I haven't had that for quite some time. Anyway, I have materials/structures lecture and tutorial, and starting next week I will have ecology lab.... at 2pm! So. Lame. I guess having an easy Wednesday doesn't come free.


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