Sushi Night

Thursday, March 8, 2012

On Monday this week, Camilla invited us over to make sushi...and to eat it. I am not very "experienced" when it comes to this particular activity. I remember last summer I was forced to eat lunch and this sushi restaurant for work and I was so nervous that I just ordered deep fried vegetables every time. The other sales people thought I was crazy I'm sure. Anyway, Alex, Adam, and I ventured out to Camilla's house to give it the old college try. We made a back up plan to order Domino's for the bus ride home.

Camilla and our friend Danna (from Canada) had already bought everything and started preparing it by the time we got there. Danna made the first roll: it was rice, salmon (raw, naturally), and avocado. She spread the rice out, laid the fillings down and just rolled it up in a seaweed wrap thing. Then cut them up and it looked quite.... sushi-y. Check it out

These one's had sweet potato in the them, hence the orange

It was.... delicious! I am not lying, I enjoyed it very much. You mostly just taste rice and them some flavor depending on the filling you put in it. We had avocado, mango, sweet potato and cucumber. All very distinct, and especially fun to mix together. The coolest part was that we all got to try making it, and Camilla and Danna were very good teachers! (They apparently do this frequently) It really liked making it too.

Notice the intense focus
Below is a picture of me with my completed sushi roll. Kinda gross looking actually. Kinda perverted too... it totally reminded me of sex and the city the movie. Anyone else???

Yay for trying new things

So now I "love" sushi. We ate so much of it we totally forgot about our Domino's plan. Maybe when I return to the U.S. I can show all you common folk a fancier way to eat fish. You feel me SG??


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