My roomie: Ilva

For the past month I have been living with a few other ladies which I have not really shared too much about. But I decided it's time. My one roommate Penny lives downstairs with me. She is from China and is completing her entire degree here in Accounting here at UQ. She has lived here for about two years and I find her to be "less social" but I decided it's just because she isn't an exchange student and she probably has her own friend group established and she actually cares about school and doesn't just want to party. Anyway, I don't really see her leave her room much. My other roommate, Ilva lives upstairs and she is an exchange student from Germany. She is really nice and friendly and quite German. She likes going out and partying and stuff but at first we didn't really have that much to talk about so it was kinda weird at times. Then one night I got really drunk and she took care of me and brought me and stuff and we really bonded over that, but basically I was just thankful she still wanted to talk to me after that.
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Me and Ilva... and our friend from New York. It was the best I could do for a pic... |
St Patrick's Day Down Under: A successful day, followed with a rather unsuccessful evening

Ahhh St Patricks Day, a wonderful holiday celebrating in the U.S. which involves more drinking than actually recognizing Irish culture. The U.S. took the idea of getting drunk in support of another group of people and totally ran with it and of course, that is what I am used to as a born and raised American. Last St Patricks day I spent in Arizona and I'm pretty sure I puked (sorry adult readers) from having too much fun. I'm just sayin we make a big deal out of it and I typically have an extraordinarily fun time. Well, here in Oz it's a bit less recognized but we tried, nonetheless, the make it an eventful day. And the best way to do that is of course is with day drinking and dying everything green. (Beer, pancakes, milk... nails: everything!)
Green "Gold" |
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Whoooaaa my hair is RED |
We had a green themed brunch around 11 am where a group of about 12 friends came over to enjoy green milk, green eggs, green pancakes, and a ton of bacon. We enjoyed this tasty meal amongst no one who was Irish and I'm pretty sure we cheered to America.
Anyway, after brunch we began our drinking festivities. Unfortunately, upon the return of the boys with many cases of beer, there also came a quite violent rain storm. We migrated inside and continued our drinking indoors (not your typical day drink, but it still worked). We hung out and drank and listened to irish music until about 6 pm.
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The drinking crew... with me in the corner snarfing Hummus (Ali Goldstone) |
Successful?? |
I then realized that we were all heading down hill fast unless we ate some dinner. So we ventured out in the rain storm to a Thai restaurant down the street. Yeah, I know, eating Thai food on St Patricks day is a little off but when you're drunk it seems like a really good idea. And a good idea it was! It was so delicious and so much fun to go out to dinner with a big group of moderately drunk people. After dinner however, is when things went south....
The restaurant was a sit down, but we still paid individually at the front counter (kind of like Dennys, totally craving that by the way). Mind you there was a group of about 12 people all trying to pay and then leave so we could go to the bars. I was one of the last ones to pay with Danna and Camilla. After the last person paid, he said we still owed 17 dollars or something stupid like that. To keep it short, he made us stay and call all the people who had already left checking to make sure they paid. In the end, Danna just grabbed all the receipts and counted them and sure enough there was 12 and he just forgot to take one of them off the tab.
Leaving a bit frustrated, we just wanted to get to the city and have a beer in a relatively irish setting. We get on the bus (still raining by the way) and there is about 9 of us sitting in the back being very quite and respectful. Next thing I know, there are transit security guards on the bus and they proceed directly to the back where we are sitting. The dude asks for my Go Card (the passes we use on all transit) and he notices it's a student card. He then asks to see my student ID which of course I didn't bring in my "going out" purse because it's small and I only bring the necessities (duh). Soo, I got written up. Yep, I got a Translink transit citation for travelling with a student card and not carrying any proof that I'm actually a student. If you are confused as to how dumb this is I am right there with ya. And to make it even worse, I am now in their database so if I get caught again... it's a $200 fine. Cool Australia, as if you're not ripping me off already with your obscenely expensive McChickens.
After departing the bus I seriously just wanted a drink. I was so annoyed/frustrated/wet from the rain and I just couldn't get back into the St Pat day spirit. In sum, we went to a few bars that night searching for Irish fest, but our lack of energy combined with the vast amount of obnoxiously drunk people that were lurking the Irish pubs caused us to retreat home early. Me and my roommates then talked shit about our landlord for a good 30-40 minutes which is always fun and I went to sleep, happy to get a good nights rest before wakeboarding on Sunday.
Conclusion: St Pat's day in the U.S. is much better, especially with Krystal in sunny Arizona. Spring Break 2013??
Byron Bay Weekend!

This past weekend, I traveled to a very popular destination in Australia called Byron Bay. It is located in New South Wales, the state directly below Queensland and took about two hours to get there by bus.Get your geography on below:
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Remember a few locations: Main beach, cape byron lighthouse, and tallow beach |
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Located directly below Queensland, Byron Bay is in the north of NSW |
In short, the weekend was awesome. It was full of fun activities and a lot of beach time: just what I needed after a tough week of school ;)
We arrived on Friday about 3 pm and Camilla and I hit the beach immediately, after I got a huge cheeseburger of course. We lounged for a few hours but then promptly had to head in to get ready for our night activities. The entire group (of over 100 students) was pre-drinking in the hostel before heading to the bars. The hostel had a BBQ so I ate a few "sausage sizzles" while enjoying some wine that came from a box (classy, I know). Because I am so smart AND love to party, I packed two ping pong balls in my makeup bag and that is when the night really got started. We played a few ferocious games of beer pong before our table was quickly overcome by foreigners asking too many questions that none of us wanted to deal with. That's when my brain hatched an idea: flip cup! We then continued to play too many rounds of flip cup with our new found chants from Fiji and everyone was so pumped up. We all left to go to a bar called Monkeys where we all danced our pants off until bar close.
I won't say exactly when we all went to sleep, mostly because my mother would make a face, but I will say that we did all get up at 5:15 am to begin our sunrise hike to the most easterly point of mainland Australia. Yep, that's right, we ALL WOKE UP at 5:15. It was pitch black and group of about 50 students hiked up to the cape byron light house to watch the sunrise.
And let me tell ya, it was totally worth it. I literally saw the sun peek out over the ocean as a little ball. There was nothing in its way, I stared at it and took pictures even though it hurt my eyeballs. It took quite sometime to see the fiery ball, but as soon as it peeked it only took about 30 seconds before the entire sun was on top of the ocean. It was quite incredible actually.
We then hiked a little bit more until we were standing on the most easterly point of mainland Australia. It makes you feel pretty small actually, just standing there on the point of a continent surrounded by ocean.
After marveling for some time, we then begin our decent which continued to be extremely scenic. And just think, all of this before 8:00 am! We made it back in time for breakfast and after that Camilla and I had to leave promptly for our surf lesson.
We arrived at the surf school a little before 10am to begin our two hour lesson. The instructor pointed out my gingerness right away but comforted me by removing his hat to reveal he was a fellow ging. I think it was a sign that most gingers have natural surfing talent. Anyway, they told us to leave everything at the school and only bring our towels. They also made us wear these green t-shirts so they could keep track of us in the water. After asking us to all pile into this large, white creeper van I began to wonder if we were actually going to learn to surf today or just get molested while wearing matching outfits...
The ginger, aka Marco (weird ginger name I know), loaded up the surf boards and we were off to the beach. There was 11 people in the class, all girls except for one guy, who was French. Marco pointed out that not many guys take surf lessons because they're too damn stubborn to actually learn something and would rather just rent a board and "teach" themselves. So all the ladies and the french dude carried our boards down to the beach and began what was an exhilarating two hours.
We spent about 20 minutes on the beach receiving intensive instructions on what to do in the water. Marco was very good at explaining what to do, and also very up front about pointing out your mistakes. There are six steps to getting up on the surf board, but I can't reveal them unless you pay for a lesson.... just kidding. I just really don't want to/can't remember them. Either way we ended up in the water and Marco helped each one of us individually which was great. When it was my turn he said "Alright ginger, get on the board" and then he gave me a quick push and shouted "stand up!" and sure enough, I stood up. It wasn't quite like pro surfer style, but it was still surfing nonetheless.
We continued the lesson with many more attempts, which were mostly successful. I only nose dived a couple times. At the end of the lesson I was totally beat, it is much more tiring than you think. We managed to take a decent group pic in our green shirts and then headed back to the school, where I was quickly persuaded into purchasing all of these awesome pictures they took. I figured they were worth it for my first surfing experience. Besides, it'll all be worth it when I go pro.
After all this excitement it was hard to believe it was only 12:30 pm. Camilla and I snagged some Domino's for lunch (by the way, it is not that same as in the U.S., it tastes more like Pizza Hut) and then we went to the beach. I covered (most) of my body in sunscreen and totally passed out. I was running on minimal sleep, there was an awesome breeze, and I trust Australians not to play tricks on my while I am baking in the sun. And baking I did. Camilla woke me up about 2 hours later to go get ice cream (what a pal) and then we went back and I slept some more. The next day I discovered a few places where I missed sunscreen, aka red blotches... but besides that I actually tanned pretty nicely. Goodbye white Wisconsin skin!
That night was filled with more flip cup, dancing, and pizza. We went to bed a bit earlier due to extreme tiredness and sun exposure. The next morning we decided to spend our last day doing something a little more active than lying on the beach all day. So three other guys and I hiked out to Tallow Beach. We walked along the beach, which was much more deserted than Main Beach until with got to the Teatree lake. It took us about an hour but it was totally worth it. The lake was situated about 100 ft from the ocean and was surrounded by dense forest.
Upon entering the water you can't really notice anything special about it, but about 2 feet in we began to notice why this was called "teatree" lake. The water looked like a teabag had been sitting it in all day. The water was actually reddish brown and after about a foot down you couldn't see a single thing.
It was really creepy at first because you didn't know how deep it was or what was underneath you. Crocodiles, snakes, eels... oh my! But then we saw a small child playing in the water and we though "if she can do it (naked) then we can do it too!" Besides, the croc would totally go for that snack before any of us. We swam in it for a while because the people said it was good for your skin and hair. After too many croc/getting eaten by something jokes I noticed a small green, hairy worm like thing swimming across the top of the water. That was just about all the wildlife we needed to get us out of that lake. Although I am not sure if I would ever swim there again, I am glad I did it, it was a pretty cool experience.
We trekked back to the hostel after a quick jaunt in the ocean. I took pictures on this weird beach tree thing: see below (yes Mom, I was worried about it breaking and cutting my face open like that mean oak, but I survived).
We arrived back in the city in time to grab a tasty lunch (cheeseburger!!!). We then boarded the bus and I don't think I have ever fallen asleep so fast. I slept the entire way home.
In summary, playing flip cup with wine gets you way more drunk than you expect, surfing is totally rad, ginger skin CAN tan (slowly but surely), and tea lakes are best left to naked children who don't care about parasites. AND Byron Bay is a must if you are ever in Australia.
Technological Advancements

If you are wondering what that "networked blog" box is on the right side of my blog, I will tell you. I decided to be all fancy and link my blog to Facebook. You can now follow me that way if it's more convenient. I think you just add the app "networkedblogs" on Facebook and then you can add my blog to follow. Plus then your Facebook picture will show up on my blog as a "follower". Pretty neat, I know. If this is all too much excitement and/or confusion for you, just keep following whatever way works best. Cheers!
Birthday Celebrations

This past week was Adam's 21st birthday and a lot of shenanigans went down. We all met up to pre game and have a b-day BBQ. It was really fun, and I made cupcakes! I hadn't baked in so long I think I did it more for myself than for Adam. Here we are celebrating:
To keep it short (since I know the adults don't really appreciate reading all about our debauchery), we continued the night with more drinking. Alex and I forced Adam to "chug" wine like it was beer, Adam said a variety of quote worthy statements such as "I don't normally like nose rings, but I want her", he also gave away a variety of secret nick-names we had for people, and lastly he woke up on a roof. Happy 21st Adam!
Shout outs to my peeps!

SO to Andrew for calling the parents at the exact time I was video chatting them. I mean it was a lot of technology: Andrew was on speaker phone and Dad was holding it up to the computer so we could talk. Maybe we should just video chat like normal people?? Glad to hear from you nonetheless!
SO to (my fabulous) BF Ben for inviting me to his fancy military ball in April. I must regretfully decline but still so sweet to receive the invite! Also, SO to him for being so patient with technology. I swear, I can video chat with everyone (my parents, Krystal, even Krystal's parents) just fine, but when it comes to a little boyfriend lovin something happens in the airwaves and we just can't catch a break. It does make for some enjoyable frozen faces and choppy stories though. Miss you tons!
SO to my best friend Krystal for buying her plane ticket to come visit me!!!! How many friends do you know that would fly a whole day into the future to another hemisphere to visit you?? Totally excited. Mostly excited because I get to see her and party with her, but also because she said she would pack nerds rope and 7-10 bottles of smirnoff. Best friend ever.
Lastly, SO to my totally cool and generous parents for being so supportive of me "spreading my wings." I am having a great time and I just want to let them know they are appreciated. With that, my trip to New Zealand is booked and I can't wait for all the John and Rita loans I am about to incur.
Lastly, lastly... SO to being an engineer so I can pay all this shit back. Cheers to living while I have the chance so that I can work 40 hours a week for the rest of my life to pay for social security which I will never see. Damn, I love America.
Sushi Night

On Monday this week, Camilla invited us over to make sushi...and to eat it. I am not very "experienced" when it comes to this particular activity. I remember last summer I was forced to eat lunch and this sushi restaurant for work and I was so nervous that I just ordered deep fried vegetables every time. The other sales people thought I was crazy I'm sure. Anyway, Alex, Adam, and I ventured out to Camilla's house to give it the old college try. We made a back up plan to order Domino's for the bus ride home.
Camilla and our friend Danna (from Canada) had already bought everything and started preparing it by the time we got there. Danna made the first roll: it was rice, salmon (raw, naturally), and avocado. She spread the rice out, laid the fillings down and just rolled it up in a seaweed wrap thing. Then cut them up and it looked quite.... sushi-y. Check it out
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These one's had sweet potato in the them, hence the orange |
It was.... delicious! I am not lying, I enjoyed it very much. You mostly just taste rice and them some flavor depending on the filling you put in it. We had avocado, mango, sweet potato and cucumber. All very distinct, and especially fun to mix together. The coolest part was that we all got to try making it, and Camilla and Danna were very good teachers! (They apparently do this frequently) It really liked making it too.
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Notice the intense focus |
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Yay for trying new things |
So now I "love" sushi. We ate so much of it we totally forgot about our Domino's plan. Maybe when I return to the U.S. I can show all you common folk a fancier way to eat fish. You feel me SG??
Wakeboard Accident (nearly FATAL)

Rugby game: Gooooo REDS!

On Saturday night we decided, somewhat spontaneously, to go to a Queensland Reds Pro Rugby game. It was very exciting! Despite the rain, we travelled down to the city and bought tickets at the gate. Our seats were pretty high up but it was still a good view. Rugby is a very interesting sport, let me tell ya, and I knew absolutely nothing about it. Good thing I used my charm to make friends with the dudes next to me so they could explain everything. Here is a pic:
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Cheers! To the team... and to the beer |
Ignore the hair. It was seriously pouring and my umbrella was stollen earlier that day. So lame. Anyway, it was a total blast and best of all, the Reds won!! Woooohooo
Look what I found!

Recap of my first week of school down under

Monday: First day of school! I had physics and ecology lecture today. Normally, I will also have accounting tutorial (which is basically discussion) monday afternoons but this week I didn't. Physics seems like it will actually be quite interesting. The professor is young and energetic and the lectures are surprisingly interactive. Ecology will be boring. But that comes as no surprise. It is kinda entertaining though, these dudes seriously love bugs (they're their favorite part of ecology).
Tuesday: Normally, tuesdays will be very busy for me. But this first Tuesday was a bit more relaxed since there are no tutorials at all this week for any classes. I had physics and ecology lecture again, same stuff mentioned above. In the afternoon, I had my first physics practical (lab) and it was great. We basically just watched someone else do an experiment, talked about it in small groups, talked about it in a big group, and then answered some questions in groups that weren't even collected or graded. I loved it. My group is pretty smart too, besides the fact that they are all 18 year old boys (how I ended up with them I don't know). It's funny because I saved all these bullshit general elective classes for my study abroad because they were the easiest to transfer back, but I completely forgot that people normally take these classes right away. So basically every class I am in is full of freshman, who are young.
Wednesday: Wednesdays will be my easy day. I have materials/structures lecture from 8-9am every week and then every other week I will have ecology tutorial from 9-10am. And then I am done! I have a feeling many Wednesdays will be spent on the beach, which, as it turns out, is a great way to cure a little mid week slump.
Thursday: Thursdays, like tuesdays, will be busy for me. I will have ecology lecture every other week in the morning (weird, it's every other week, I know). After that I have my human factors class which I just signed up for. I am really excited about this class because it actually relates to my degree and it is very interesting! The only thing is that here, human factors falls under psychology because industrial engineering is not offered. So, everyone in the class is a psychology major... literally, we did a show of hands, I am the only engineer. Nonetheless, it seems really interesting and we get to go on field trips! After that I have materials/structures lecture again, followed by accounting lecture. Accounting is scheduled for two hours, but as I was sitting there this past Thursday, I realized that accounting is FAR too interesting to last for two hours..... so I left. I was just so bored! Mom and Dad, don't get mad... my fellow engineers out there, you feel me, we are just not wired for accounting. I downloaded the lecture slides and skimmed them, don't worry. Plus, it's from 4-6 pm... I mean, come on!
Friday: Yes, I have class on Fridays. This is somewhat foreign to me, because I haven't had that for quite some time. Anyway, I have materials/structures lecture and tutorial, and starting next week I will have ecology lab.... at 2pm! So. Lame. I guess having an easy Wednesday doesn't come free.
After school activities

On Wednesday this week, we went to the Gold Coast to check out Surfer's Paradise (totally normal school day). I had class from 8-9am and that was all I had the entire day. I called Alex and he was done with class at 11:30. My friends Camilla and Hannah were already at the beach in Surfer's Paradise so Alex and I decided to catch the train out there to meet up with them. The train ride was supposed to be about an hour which seemed worth it to spend the afternoon on the beach. Plus, there was a mix up with trains the day before so all public transit was free for that day. We rode the train for an hour and ended up at the Gold Coast. We then had to take a bus to Surfer's Paradise which ended up being a longer journey than we expected. We eventually got there and it was beautiful, despite being very touristy and kinda reminded me of Florida.
We walked to the edge of the continent and were greeted by a long, white beach backed by high rises on one side and a very "active" ocean on the other. The waves were consistent and rather large, hence "surfer's paradise"
We found Camilla and Hannah and then we totally passed out. We were tired from a long day of school! Plus, there was a nice breeze and we already applied 30 spf so it was totally normal. After our little nappy-poo, Camilla and Hannah decided to head home but since Alex and I had a late start we wanted to stay. We lounged on the beach, chatted about how easy school is here, acknowledged how thankful we are to be trained as engineers in the US because it's so much more rigorous, etc. We also saw the cutest puppy ever and I told Alex he should get one and then we could attract sexy girls in bikinis too. We then discussed in length how someone seriously needs to start a puppy renting business.
After all this discussing, we decided to go play in the ocean. And let me tell ya, the ocean here is crazy. It is way different than Mexico, Florida, and Fiji (all the oceans I have been to). Mexico has like baby waves, Florida... is it even an ocean?, and Fiji was just perfectly calm and hot, but Australia... there is some serious moon/tidal shit happening here. They are big waves and the crash down one after another, plus there is a strong current. It's very unpredictable but also quite fun. I have strong desires to learn to surf now.
We got kicked out of the ocean around 6pm because the lifeguards were leaving. I mean, you can stay... but it's at YOUR OWN RISK!!! So we left. We strolled around the boardwalk checking for places to eat and settled on Ben's Fish 'n Chips (apparently the best fish 'n chips in town). It was not good. You would think, being on the side of an island and all, that the seafood would be totally bomb. Well it's not. The fish was soggy and kinda thin, it was nothing like a good old fashioned fish fry in Wisconsin (remind me to get that immediately upon my return by the way... with cheese curds). Plus, it's not that cheap here. I have a theory though, that somewhere along this very long coast, there is delicious, fresh, cheap seafood... I just have to find it (HAVE TO!). Also, they charge $2 for ketchup..... ketchup!
After our long journey home I requested only two things once I got home: shower and the Bachelor.
I would say it was a pretty successful Wednesday school afternoon. We decided on a few things though: leave earlier next time, pack more snacks (and ketchup packets), bring a change of dry clothes for the long ass train ride home, and don't get the fish and chips.