My roomie: Ilva

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

For the past month I have been living with a few other ladies which I have not really shared too much about. But I decided it's time. My one roommate Penny lives downstairs with me. She is from China and is completing her entire degree here in Accounting here at UQ. She has lived here for about two years and I find her to be "less social" but I decided it's just because she isn't an exchange student and she probably has her own friend group established and she actually cares about school and doesn't just want to party. Anyway, I don't really see her leave her room much. My other roommate, Ilva lives upstairs and she is an exchange student from Germany. She is really nice and friendly and quite German. She likes going out and partying and stuff but at first we didn't really have that much to talk about so it was kinda weird at times. Then one night I got really drunk and she took care of me and brought me and stuff and we really bonded over that, but basically I was just thankful she still wanted to talk to me after that. 

Then we went out for St. Pat's day and we went to wakeboarding together and things have been getting better and better. I told her I wanted to practice German with her and she seemed to really like that, which is good. Then Sunday we decided to go out after wakeboarding and we had a wonderful time. On the way home however, something happened that I have never seen happen in real life: Ilva got shit on by a bird flying above us. Seriously, what are the chances! After we laughed about it for some time, I realized two things: I could seriously get along with a girl who laughs about something like that and the German's are always getting shit on. 

Me and Ilva... and our friend from New York. It was the best I could do for a pic...


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