Rugby game: Gooooo REDS!

Monday, March 5, 2012

On Saturday night we decided, somewhat spontaneously, to go to a Queensland Reds Pro Rugby game. It was very exciting! Despite the rain, we travelled down to the city and bought tickets at the gate. Our seats were pretty high up but it was still a good view. Rugby is a very interesting sport, let me tell ya, and I knew absolutely nothing about it. Good thing I used my charm to make friends with the dudes next to me so they could explain everything. Here is a pic:

Here is what I got out of it. There are 14 people on each side, which is a lot. They can kick or throw the ball but they can only kick it forward whereas they can throw in both directions. They are trying to get it into the scoring area at the end of the field which is worth five points. Then they get to kick it between two field goal type things for two points. They can get three points for a penalty kick. It's unlimited tackles and once you're tackled you have to let go of the ball. Then the two teams fight over who gets it. People punch each other too. It's quite violent. I tried to keep up with game but really I just did a lot of this: 

Cheers! To the team... and to the beer

Ignore the hair. It was seriously pouring and my umbrella was stollen earlier that day. So lame. Anyway, it was a total blast and best of all, the Reds won!! Woooohooo


Savannah Adams said...

Rugby may seem a very rough and violent sport, but it's all good. So, how did the game go? It's a good thing you met some cool dudes to do the all the explaining for you.

The Traveling Ginger said...

The game was great! I am also glad I met some people to explain it. Australian's continue to hold up to their friendly reputation ;)

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