Shout outs to my peeps!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

SO to Andrew for calling the parents at the exact time I was video chatting them. I mean it was a lot of technology: Andrew was on speaker phone and Dad was holding it up to the computer so we could talk. Maybe we should just video chat like normal people?? Glad to hear from you nonetheless!

SO to (my fabulous) BF Ben for inviting me to his fancy military ball in April. I must regretfully decline but still so sweet to receive the invite! Also, SO to him for being so patient with technology. I swear, I can video chat with everyone (my parents, Krystal, even Krystal's parents) just fine, but when it comes to a little boyfriend lovin something happens in the airwaves and we just can't catch a break. It does make for some enjoyable frozen faces and choppy stories though. Miss you tons!

SO to my best friend Krystal for buying her plane ticket to come visit me!!!! How many friends do you know that would fly a whole day into the future to another hemisphere to visit you?? Totally excited. Mostly excited because I get to see her and party with her, but also because she said she would pack nerds rope and 7-10 bottles of smirnoff. Best friend ever.

Lastly, SO to my totally cool and generous parents for being so supportive of me "spreading my wings." I am having a great time and I just want to let them know they are appreciated. With that, my trip to New Zealand is booked and I can't wait for all the John and Rita loans I am about to incur.

Lastly, lastly... SO to being an engineer so I can pay all this shit back. Cheers to living while I have the chance so that I can work 40 hours a week for the rest of my life to pay for social security which I will never see. Damn, I love America.


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