Wakeboard Accident (nearly FATAL)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Okay it's really not that big of a deal, I just wanted a dramatic post title. I haven't really had one since I spotted that great white shark. 

Since I've joined the waterski/wakeboard club I now go wakeboarding every Sunday afternoon. The first time I went was awesome. It had honestly been years since I went wakeboarding (Andrew is probably shaking his head in disappointment). Anyway, I got up right away and it all came back to me, just like riding a bike. I was trying to get comfortable on the board and stuff and the guys in the boat quickly realized this wasn't my first time. They then began to harass me to jump the wake. I was so nervous but I knew I had to do it or I would never hear the end of it (Australians are quite obnoxious in that sense). So I thought really hard about what my brother had tried to teach me years before and I just went for it. It wasn't bad either, I almost made it across the entire wake. 

With this new found confidence and surprising skill, I was excited to go back to wakeboarding the next Sunday. I was being cocky basically... not to mention the girl who went before me did nothing cool so naturally my confidence was boosted. I tried to jump right away and it wasn't bad, then came the next jump. This one was bad. I apparently came in and tried to jump too soon and the back of my board hit the lip of the wake as I was going up and basically flipped me forward onto my face. Yep, I hard core face planted into the water. I came up as the boat was circling to pick me up and just laid there for a while, you know that feeling: a mix between minor embarrassment but also actual pain. I had to get back into the boat to put the board on again because it was violently ripped off my feet and the guy just looks at me and goes "Oh, you're bleeding just a little bit" and then he screams to the driver "We drew blood!!" Not cool. I don't know how it happened but my mouth was totally bloody. After further inspection I realized it was coming from my lip right above my gums kinda. Essentially I hit the water so hard that my mouth burst open. Sooo they forced me to do another run to get over it and it did help, although I was so timid to jump again. 

Uhmm can't wait for next week?? Maybe I will just ski... or eat hotdogs on the dock. 


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