An Authentic German Butcher in Australia with Bratwurst.. and Kangaroo?

Friday, February 24, 2012

This morning I ventured nearby my house for some city exploration. There is a pretty nice shopping area nearby (about a 15 munite walk) so I was happy to check it out. There I discovered a wonderful authentic German butcher shop. It even had a German looking sign on the front so I knew it would be good. I went in and found the butcher to be extremely helpful. I assumed he was German but I couldn't really tell if he had a German accent or an Australian one, or if he maybe came here from Germany but has lived here so long that now he sounds like an Australian? I don't know, anyway he was wonderful. I was longing for some Wisconsin food so I bought a few bratwursts. Apparently, they were made to a recipe for the oldest, best bratwurst ever in the history of all time. I had it for lunch and it was quite delicious. I would have preferred to cook them in beer but lord knows I can't afford that shit anymore. I also bought some Kangaroo! It was very exciting for me. I asked the butcher how to cook it and he said: "There are only two ways to cook Kangaroo: medium rare or not at all". With that, I settled on the Kangaroo "rump" a very nice, lean piece of meat. He cut it into smaller pieces so I wouldn't have to eat it all at once so I left with three very nice cuts of 'roo.

As dinner approached, I was very anxious/nervous to cook this kangaroo. I really didn't want to ruin it. I Googled it for a bit and decided to pan fry it on very high for a short period of time. The websites all agreed with the butcher that is should be cooked medium rare. This is what freaked me out the most, I never eat things medium rare because it's gross and bloody. Anyway, I cut the piece into smaller strips and started to cook them. They cooked really fast, just like the website said. I took one off the stove and cut into it and it was totally uncooked, ew. I cooked it a little more and checked again, still kinda gross. I hate medium rare. I decided to take them off after they were cooked through but still pinkish/bloody (so stressful for me, but I knew I had to do it). After letting them sit for about 5 minutes they stopped bleeding so much and turns out they were cooked to perfection! Kangaroo tastes like steak, the benefits are that it is better for you and here, in Australia, significantly cheaper than actually buying a steak. I have a feeling I am going to make it a staple part of my diet for the next few months. Plus, I know how to cook them now and I am sure I can only get better and better. The only remaining question is: SG, are you so proud???

You think I eat healthy, but really I eat cheap. You can't afford anything but fruits and veggies on this island!!!


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