A biking adventure

Monday, February 27, 2012

The other day, I bought a bike. It was pretty inexpensive and seemed to be of decent quality, at least for only one semester. I got it home and realized the back brakes were a bike squeaky (also, the back brake is the left handle instead of the right so I have been having whole heaps of troubles trying to get used to that in an effort to not flip over the handle bars). I went to the store to see what I could do about the brakes and the dude suggested getting new brake pads. So I did, and I even installed them myself! I tried riding it and realized the brakes were not very good at all so I thought a professional should look at it.

Well, this morning I had an appointment with the bike shop on campus so I decided to try to ride it in and see how bad it really was. Luckily, it was UP HILL BOTH WAYS to school (or at least it felt like it), until the final stretch which was a pretty steady decline. It was quite scary actually. I don't think either of my brakes were working. Also, I had to stop TWICE for these dumb birds that were just leisurely crossing the path. Normally, I wouldn't have minded (because I enjoy wildlife) but I was pretty much banking on momentum at this point so they really threw me off. I basically walked my bike as soon as I got it on campus. The dude at the bike shop suggested I get an entire new back brake because it was so bad, and he said the front brake didn't even work. Awesome. Hopefully these will be the last of my repairs with this dumb thing. As a side note however, I did get to campus much quicker so I think it will all be worth it once it's fixed.

P.s. Don't worry, I was wearing a helmet. It's illegal not to here!


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