Gallery of Modern Art

Friday, February 24, 2012

Today was a rainy Friday. I had stayed home most of the afternoon just indulging in some Bachelor drama (I justified being a bum and not exploring the city since there was rain). Then my friend Camilla, who I met on the street, called and asked if I wanted to go to the Modern Art Museum. At first I said no because it was rainy and I was completely consumed with Bachelor love/drama, but then I decided I needed to get out of the house so I met up with her and her friend, Hannah. The art museum was actually pretty cool. Here are some pics:

Stop staring at me!!!!

We were handed stickers upon entrance to the room. I put that pink one on the wall

Everything in this room was made of sugar. Avatar anyone?

After about an hour of modernness (I don't really "get" art by the way), we decided to head back. But it was raining so hard we didn't want to walk to the train station, so we snuck into the public library nearby just to stall. We then discovered this sweet little cafe with an outdoor seating area. And just as we sat down with our fancy coffees (see pic below), a band set up and started playing live music. It was actually quite swanky, right on the river too. The rain eventually let up and we all quickly escaped back home. For a rainy Friday, I would say it was a pretty fun afternoon. Now, more Bachelor.

OooOOOOoooo Yum.


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