
Friday, February 3, 2012

So, I have spent a stupid amount of time trying to reverse the order of my posts so that the blog reads in chronological order making it more of a story. I thought it would be nicer for you reading folk because that is how normal humans read. But after many failed coding attempts and a bazillion forums later, I am giving up. Apparently it is easy but I think it is hard. Anyway, I decided to make a "welcome" page so if you are just joining you can reference that easily to get some background information on the blog. All other posts will be in the posts section and we be posted newest first, which basically just means you need to keep up or you're gonna fall behind and have to read bottom up and that is annoying. Just check it everyday. OR put your email in at the top and you will just get any new posts emailed to you. Lastly, if there are any nerds out there reading this, please help a sista out. Java/HTML experience is supposedly a must (I don't have it, thanks for nothing Deb Debbler). Comment if you are smarts and can help, I will bring you back something cool from the land down under. Also, comment if any of you know Deb (I would love to reminisce)

Two more days!


rkriger said...

Yo! I can probably try to tackle your HTML/Java issues. Lemme know what you need!

Have fun this semester!!!!


The Traveling Ginger said...

Hey Becky,

I had a feeling you would be able to help... I am starting to think it doesn't really matter anymore though. I dont know. I will hit you up if I have more frustrations and/or if I want to change this. Thanks!

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