My bike is fixed!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I picked up my bike this afternoon before volleyball. The nice bike shop man put a whole new brake on the back (it's really shiny) and he tightened up the front brake. He said I will be able to stop on a dime!

After volleyball, I was biking back and I was going a different way since I had to take the roads. By the way, I DO ride on the left side and it's not that weird. Anyway, I was riding along and I rode past the soccer fields where there happened to be a males soccer practice going on. Naturally I decided to gawk a little bit because, I mean, well... you know. And that's when I missed my turn to get on to the bridge. I immediately slammed on my brakes and sure enough, I stopped right away, just like the guy said. I casually turned the bike around and pedaled away quickly. Had I not fixed those brakes they would have squeaked so loud everyone would have looked and it could have been way worse. But since I fixed them I endured much less embarrassment. Only this one girl on the path saw me and probably saw me staring at the soccer players anyway so it couldn't have gotten much worse. Soo I am really glad I have a working bike now. I am sure I will have more bike stories to come too, considering I am not the best biker in the world...


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